Apple to nix iPhone feature with huge effect on users’ spending habits
Apple to nix iPhone feature with huge effect on users’ spending habits

Its been scrapped a year after it was launched

Useful new iPhone feature for when your battery dies coming in iOS18 update
Useful new iPhone feature for when your battery dies coming in iOS18 update

This could prove very useful

Apple adding Apple Feature that owners have been waiting nearly 10 years for 
Apple adding Apple Feature that owners have been waiting nearly 10 years for 

There’s a big update coming soon

Revolutionary battery tech could allow iPhones to last 100 hours on a single charge 
Revolutionary battery tech could allow iPhones to last 100 hours on a single charge 

Both iPhones and Teslas will eventually get a boost

Old Toyota Land Cruiser can still run Apple CarPlay on its factory touchscreen
Old Toyota Land Cruiser can still run Apple CarPlay on its factory touchscreen

This is a pretty cool modification

iOS 18 is adding new features to Apple CarPlay
iOS 18 is adding new features to Apple CarPlay

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