Pick up your groceries with this insane $92,000 octocopter

Published on May 12, 2022 at 4:51 PM (UTC+4)
by Louise Cheer

Last updated on May 13, 2022 at 10:15 AM (UTC+4)
Edited by Kate Bain

Soon everyone will be a pilot.

Well, that’s the promise made by the crew behind this $92,000 octocopter that anyone can fly – and it’ll hit 102km/h!

This is the Jetson ONE, it has eight powerful electric motors that blast it off the ground.

A test-run video shot over stunning Tuscany shows the octocopter in action and it looks kind of awesome.

The Jetson ONE in flight above trees and shrubs in Tuscany.
A view from the octocopter while in the air over Tuscany.
A top down view of the Jetson ONE octocopter.
The Jetson ONE octocopter coming in for a landing.
A test flight of the Jetson ONE over the hills of Tuscany in Italy.
This is what it looks like inside the cockpit.
The Jetson One gets ready for lift-off.
The Jetson ONE can fly straight out of your backyard.
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A test flight of the Jetson ONE over the hills of Tuscany in Italy.
This is what it looks like inside the cockpit.
The Jetson One gets ready for lift-off.
The Jetson ONE can fly straight out of your backyard.
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It has no problem navigating around the tree tops and looks incredibly easy to fly.

And most importantly, take-off and landing seems to be almost flawless.

Even if you do run into trouble, the aircraft can fly safely with the loss of one motor and if you really do need to abandon ship (aircraft), it’s fitted with a ballistic parachute with “rapid deployment time”.

Jetson stats

  • It has a top speed of 102km/h (or 63mph) and can carry a 95kg (210lbs) pilot
  • The Jetson weighs 86kg (190lbs), and measures 2.48m (8ft 1.64in) by 1.5m (4ft 11.06in) by 1.03m (3ft 4.55in)
  • You can guide it with a three-axis joystick and a throttle lever, but it only has a flight time of 20 minutes
  • The pilot sits in an aluminum and carbon fiber frame that looks like a racecar cockpit

To get your hands on one, you’ll need a down payment of $22,000 and then a final payment of $70,000.

How can you get a Jetson ONE octocopter?

Right now the entire 2022 production (12 chassis) is sold out, according to the Jetson Aero website.

But they are taking orders for deliveries next year, just three of almost 150 appear to still be available.

“If you receive your Jetson at lunch, you will be flying before dinner,” Jetson says.

READ MORE: Man takes insane homemade helicopter he created in garden shed on test flight


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# Tags - Aircraft, Luxury, Tech


Louise Cheer

Louise Cheer oversees and writes stories about the latest headlines on topics such as automotive, technology, gaming, watches, movies and lifestyle. Louise has been a news editor at Yahoo and Daily Mail in Australia, with more than 10 years of experience in the media industry.